What is AI?


Well, AI or Artificial Intelligence is quite a popular topic nowadays. If you are new to this field or if you are really interested in learning about AI, then this post will be helpful for you.

You must have watched at least one of the movies AI (2001), I-Robot (2004), Terminator (1984, 1991, 2003, 2009 2015, 2019), Ex Machina (2014), Matrix (1999, 2003), Alita: Battle Angle (2019) which give us an idea of how a perfect AI should act like.

In almost all these films it is felt that AI is a threat to humanity, but my idea is that it seems too early to decide so. AI is still in the developing stage in real-life. But Keep in mind that AI is not all about humanoid robots ..! It has a vast area of application.

Artificial Intelligence is an idea that goes way beyond the 1960s. If you really want to have a thorough understanding of the history of AI then see this Wikipedia article which you can have a good understanding.

One definition of AI from the internet is,

"Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving."

Simply it is making machines act just like humans as if they have a consciousness. It is not yet fully achieved in real-life just like in the above-mentioned movies but, we can keep better hopes that the day of having an almost perfect AI is not too far.

Areas Involved in AI

Actually, AI is a vast area that consists of so many technology disciplines. The major disciplines are,
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Data Science
  • Big Data
  • Natural Language Processing
The following chart will give you a better view of how they are actually connected to each other.

Figure: Areas involved with AI
source: https://blog.umetrics.com/data-science-vs-artificial-intelligence-vs-machine-learning

Applications of AI

If we can develop a good AI, then it can be used in almost every field such as Education, Agriculture, Healthcare, Cyber Security, Military, Business, Marketing and Economics, Autonomous vehicles, Space exploration, Retail services, etc.

Even today, there are so many applications we come across that use the latest AI technologies. 

  • Virtual Assistance Solutions like Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, Apple's Siri
Figure: Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant

Figure: Part of the Interview

  • Content filtering and content suggestion systems in websites such as Facebook
Figure: Facebook Friend Suggestions

  • Self/Autonomous Driving Vehicles developed by Google and NVIDIA
Figure: NVIDIA's Autonomous Car

    Figure: Waymo Autonomous Car

  • Deep-fake applications
Figure: Deep Fake Applications

Major AI Research Companies

It is no surprise that almost every tech company has invested a lot in research and development on AI. Some of the popular companies are,
  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Intel
  • Microsoft

Future of AI

The future of technology is said to be AI. This could be for the betterment or even for the extinction of humanity. Any good thing has some bad sides as well. It is same with the AI as well. We can find no good thing which has zero side effects. The discipline of the users and the relevant laws and regulations will play a big role in deciding the heading direction of future AI. 

Stephen Hawking, the genius of the 21st century  has once said,
"AI could be either the best or the worst thing that has happened for humanity"


 In future posts, we will discuss more about the technical aspects of AI.
